How to Choose the Right Pair of Glasses

Whether you’ve just been prescribed glasses for the first time or if you’re ready to update your old frames, choosing the right pair of glasses is a big decision. Eyeglasses can spruce up your look and be an everyday fashion accessory. There are several key factors to consider when picking out new frames, and these details can make or break your look. Here’s our quick guide to help you select the perfect pair of glasses. 


Do you know your face shape? Everyone’s face is different, but there are some basic shapes that professionals work with when considering faces and fashions. Technology makes quick work of determining your face shape. Try a phone app or a more traditional method of outlining your face on a mirror with a brow pencil, eyeliner or whiteboard marker to determine if you are Oval, Round, Square, Triangle, Oblong, Heart or Diamond. 

One way to choose the right glasses is to know your face shape

There are no set rules, but most experts say to pick a style that contrasts the shape of your face. Here are some general recommendations based on your face type:

  • Round faces look best with frames that have hard angles, like square or rectangular frames. 
  • Square and rectangle faces look nice with frames that balance the hard lines of the face, so look for round or oval frames. 
  • Heart-shaped faces usually look nice with frames that are wider on the bottom or have some kind of detail on the lower half of the frames. 
  • Triangular faces look great with glasses that emphasize the top half of the frame, like half-rimmed glasses or cat-eye glasses.
  • Oblong faces look better with round or curved frames
  • Oval faces will work in almost any type of frame


Apart from shape, faces come in all sizes. Glasses should sit in the right position and be the right proportion to the rest of your face. You don’t want glasses that are too big for your features and look exaggerated. And glasses that are too small can look like a mini frame! Here are some things to consider for size and fit:

  • The top of your frames should be no higher than the line of your eyebrows - you don’t want to hide your facial expressions.
  • The lower edge of the frames shouldn’t sit on your cheeks otherwise they can rub against your skin and cause irritation.
  • The width of your frames should not be wider than the width of your face at the temples.
  • Proper bridge design and position are important for a well-fitting pair of glasses. 


Depending on your skin tone, eye, and hair color, different colors of frames may look better on you. And you want to bring out the best of your features!

  • Cool skin tone (ex. blue eyes, pale skin), a frame in a cool color will complement your coloring best. Cool colors include silver and jewel tones like amethyst, ruby, emerald, or sapphire. 
  • If you have a warm skin tone (ex. brown eyes, tanned skin), then you might look best in warm colored frames. Warm colors include gold and earth tones like beige, orange, yellow, and mustard. 
  • Neutral skin tones can pull off frames in any color.


A cool pair of glasses can be a great fashion accessory, but most importantly, they help you see. If your glasses don't function the way you need, then they’re not for you.

  • Ask the optical staff which frames will work with your prescription. For example, some very high prescriptions need wide frames to hold the lenses, so thin wire frames might not be an option.
  • Have measurements of your head to see which glasses will fit you and which will not. Having a good, comfortable fit will help you feel confident in your choice.


At the end of the day, the only “rule” for choosing the right glasses is to pick a frame that you love and feel confident wearing. Your glasses are a reflection of your own personal style. Be open to try different colors, shapes and sizes to find what looks best on you.

We have a wide selection of frames for you to explore. Let our optical staff at any of our 5 locations help assist you in finding your best pair of glasses yet.